Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy



Child Protection


Staincliffe Junior School takes the welfare of children extremely seriously and follows legislative guidelines in its dealings with all aspects of safeguarding pupils.

The school has a Child Protection Policy in place which details the procedures to be followed in the case of a child protection incident.

All school staff have an important role to play in recognising and taking appropriate action in cases of suspected child abuse and all staff have had the appropriate training.

All staff within Staincliffe Junior School have been  instructed to report any suspicions to the Headteacher or the Designated Teacher with responsibility for Child Protection.

The Headteacher is required under the procedures to alert the Kirlees Social Care of any concerns relating to Child Protection. 

If there are any issues about your child you wish to discuss, no matter how sensitive, please contact the Headteacher.


The Designated Senior Lead with responsibility for Safeguarding is:

Mr Paul Dixon (Headteacher)


The Designated Deputy Senior Leaders with responsibility for Safeguarding are:

Miss Jodi Bennett (Deputy head) and Mrs Cath Tankard (Assistant head)


The Designated Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is:

Mr Moin Patel


Our Safeguarding Policy can be found on our policy page.


Sporting clubs and activities - a guide for parents and carers

It’s important for you to check that any sports club or activity that your child attends has your child’s safety as its priority. Even if the club seems professional, there are questions that you should ask to make sure that they have all the necessary safeguarding measures in place. Please click here to view the useful guide from West Yorkshire Sport.