Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy




The Chair of Governors is Moin Patel.  Correspondence may be sent to the Chair of Governors via the school.

The Governors are local people who have taken the opportunity to be involved in the running of the school and to play a part in the education of our children. Our Governors are made up of representatives from the local community, from political parties, from the church, parents and staff. Other members have offered themselves to be co-opted on to the governing body itself or its committees.

The Governors work with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to determine the aims and the curricular policy of the school.

Whenever a vacancy occurs for a parent governor the Headteacher will send written notice of the election in a letter to be taken home by pupils. If you would like to become a parent governor you can also apply in school.


Name                                               Appointment                                  Term expires

Mrs Michele Cromack Foundation - Diocesan 17/12/27
Fr Jason Hewitt  Foundation - Ex-Officio n/a
Mr John Broadhead (Chair) LA 24/04/28
Mr Mohammed Zaheer Parent 23/03/27
Mrs Shabiha Azam Parent 07/01/28 
Mr Moin Patel  Co-opted 14/11/27
Mrs Melanie Bowen Co-opted (support staff) 23/03/26

Mrs Sarah Hemmingway

Staff 07/07/25
Mr Paul Dixon Headteacher 


Mr Sajid Pathan (Vice Chair) Co-opted


Miss Jodi Bennett Associate Governor  n/a
Mrs Rahima Ahmedjee Co-opted 11/07/27
Mr Adam Master Co-opted 18/05/26



Link to Governors secure web page

Business and Financial interests

On an annual basis Governors each complete a Business Interest declaration form. These are completed electronically.  Click here to read about the schools business ethics policy. The completed, signed declarations are kept centrally and are available on request.


Attendance and business interests 2023 - 24

Attendance and business interests 2022 - 23

Attendance and business Interests 2021 - 22 

There were NO declarations of Business Interests for academic year 2020 - 21 (all meetings were held remotely)

Attendance and business Interests 2019 - 20  (lockdown - most meetings were held remotely)

Attendance and business interests 2018 - 19

Committee membership agreed for 2023 - 2024

Resources Standards and Effectiveness  Headteacher Appraisal Teachers Pay

Mr John Broadhead  

Fr Jay Hewitt

Mr Sajid Pathan

Mrs Mel Bowen

Mr Adam Master (Chair)

Mr Paul Dixon



Mrs Rahima Ahmedjee

Mrs Michele Cromack (Chair)

Miss Jodi Bennett

Mrs Sarah Hemmingway

Mr Mohammed Zaheer

Mr Paul Dixon

Mr Moin Patel

Mrs Shabiha Azam 

Mrs Michele Cromack

Mr John Broadhead

Mr Mohammed Zaheer







Fr Jay Hewitt

Mr John Broadhead

Mr Sajid Pathan

Mr Adam Master






Miss Jodi Bennett  (Associate Governor) has voting rights with her committee membership.


Meetings of the full Governing Body are scheduled five times per year. 

The committees meet at least termly and when required (future dates confirmed at the first committee meeting).

Meeting Schedule 2023 - 2024

Full Governing body meetings

28th September 2023 (AGM) - 5.30pm

23rd November 2023 - 5.00pm

7th March 2024 - 5.00pm

23rd May 2024 - 5.00pm

11th July 2024 - 5.00pm 
(Staff / Governors buffet @ 3.30pm - followed by Full Governors meeting)



Resources Committee

9th November 2023 - 4.45pm

21st March 2024 - 4.45pm 

2nd May 2024 - 4.45pm 






Standards and Effectiveness

19th October 2023 - 4.45pm

25th January 2024 - 4.45pm

18th April 2024 - 4.45pm