Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Year 3 

Teachers - Mrs Powell & Miss Starkie (3P), Mr Daji (3D), Miss Wilby (3W)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Jasat, MIss Kauther, Mrs Hussain and Miss Knapton.


Below is the SUMMER TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the summer term in Year 3. 

For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:

Year 3 Long Term Plan 2023-2024


PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SUMMER TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)


PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SPRING TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)


PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)






This term, the children will be learning how to measure in grams and kilograms and litres and millilitres using practical resources to cement their understanding. They will be able to recognise and draw right angles in 2D shapes and will understand what it meant by horizontal, vertical and curved lines. They will also embed their previous learning on how to find equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions as well as being confident in finding tenths. Building on their division work, the children will be introduced to the chunking method, allowing them confidently to divide much larger numbers. Towards the end of term, they will revisit reading and writing time, including 12 hour and 24 hour clock as well as working out word problems on duration. Finally, they will have the opportunity to construct and interpret tables, bar charts and pictograms focussing on using the correct scales.


Times Table Rock stars

Your child will be given a username and password for access to an app called ‘Times Table Rock stars’ which can be accessed by any mobile device e.g. Phone, tablet and laptop. Through this app, the children have a great opportunity to learn their times tables in a fun interactive way.



In the first half term they will look at a Greek Myth called Theseus and the Minotaur. The children will write their own myth based on this story. Linked to our guided reading text on Perseus and Medusa the children will write a recount as if they were Perseus going to face the mighty Medusa. The grammar/ punctuation focuses will be on conjunctions, using paragraphs, inverted commas and using different sentence starters. For the non- fiction work in the first half term the children will develop their work on persuasion and using superlatives and persuasive techniques.

In the second half term of the Summer Term, Year 3 will be looking at the fairy story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They will write their own version of the opening of the fairy story using inverted commas, different sentence starters and conjunctions. They will compare the original fairy stories to ones based on Jack and the Beanstalk- ‘Daft Jack and the Bean Stack’ and ‘Trust Me Jack’s Beanstalk’s Stinks’ which is from the giant’s point of view. They will write a diary entry as the giant They will also study ‘Leon and the Place in Between’. They will write a description and a diary entry.



Guided Reading


In guided reading we will continue to read a range of texts both fiction and non- fiction including Greek myths, poetry, discursive and reports. The children will continue to focus on VIPERS. These are questions on vocabulary, inference, predictions, explanations, retrieval and summarising.



Physical Education


In the first half term 3W will be focusing on our personal skills. The children will try and improve their performances with regular practice. They will focus on balance and agility. 3P and 3D will work with a football coach.  In the second half term 3P and 3D will focus on health and fitness skills. They will know the importance of warming up, cooling down and also how and why their body changes during and after exercise.  3W will work with a football coach.


For the first half term the PE day for all three classes will be Tuesday.

The second half term the days will be Monday – 3D, Tuesday 3W Thursday 3P.






In Summer 1 we are going to be studying light. We are going to be comparing sources of light and whether these are manmade or natural. We will be testing some of these sources and researching how shadows are created. Later we will be investigating how we can change shadows by going outside, we will also be looking at the dangers of the sun’s rays and how to protect our eyes.

 In the second half term, Year 3 will be learning about Plants! We are going to be carefully identifying and studying the main parts of a plant and learning all about what they need to be able to grow. We will be making scientific predictions about how water travels in plants and then we will watch this in action using celery and coloured water. Later, we are going to grow our own plants from seeds and predict what might happen when we grow them in various conditions. Finally, we will be learning about how plants use pollen or seeds to reproduce by studying the parts of a flower and a fruit in close detail.



In Summer 1, we will be using Purple Mash to learn about branching databases and we will even be making our own! We will also be learning about simulations

In Summer 2, the children will make a PowerPoint Presentation. They will learn to add text, images and animations.



Personal Social
Health Economic Education


In PSHE for the first half term our focus will be ‘Relationships’.  The children will learn about family roles, friendships, keeping themselves safe online, being a good citizen and how to express thanks to their family and friends.

In the second half term our focus is on ‘Changing Me’. The children will learn how babies grow, changes to their body, family stereotypes as well as looking forward to their new class. At the end of each unit they will be evaluating their learning process and identifying how they can improve it next time.



Religious Education


In the Summer term we will begin this unit by learning about the importance of the Bible for Christians – what it is and how it helps Christians to live their lives. The children will explore Jesus’ teachings about rules and behaviour in relation to a variety of Bible stories and parables. Throughout the term we will encourage the children to reflect on the influence of Bible stories on individuals and communities. We will be thinking about how they, themselves may be able to relate to each story presented. We will reflect on, analyse and evaluate our own beliefs and what it means to lead a good life. This unit will end with an assessment task to see how well the children can demonstrate their understanding of how Christians use the Bible to lead a good life.




This term, we will studying, ‘Who Lives in the Antarctica’?

Children will learn about latitude and longitude, climate zones, understand that Antarctica has a polar climate made up of ice sheets, snow and mountains, the reasons why tourists visit, and compare and contrast Antarctica with a place in the UK.






Children will discover when are where fruits and vegetables are grown seasonally in the UK?  They will learn about the colour of fruits and vegetables and their benefits by making dishes using seasonal ingredients..



Modern Foreign Languages (French)


The children will learn the names of objects found in a classroom in French. They will begin to build simple sentences using ‘I have….’ ‘I don’t have…’ The children will also learn the names of countries and transport in French. They will finish this unit of work by conducting a survey in French about how children get to school.




This term, in history, children will be learning about the Ancient Romans. They will -

  • Explain the meaning of empire and invasion.
  • Understand the chronology of the Roman invasion of Britain.
  • Identify the consequences of the Roman invasion.
  • Create an interpretation of Boudicca using sources.
  • Explain why the Romans needed a powerful army.
  • Identify a soldier’s equipment.
  • Explain how the Roman army was organised and perform simple manoeuvres and drills.
  • Make observations about an artefact.
  • Explain the meaning of legacy, identifying how the Romans changed Britain and ordering legacies by their significance




In this unit of work, children will be listening and appraising a range of classical music. They will have the opportunity to learn songs and play a variety of instruments to accompany the music.


Art and Design


Children will be exploring two formal art elements: shape and tone. They will find shapes in everyday objects and draw accurately from observations. They will also use wire to create different shapes. Children will practice shading neatly, from light to dark.




We follow the spelling patterns from Spelling Shed.

The children can then use the website to practice their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Each child in Year 3 has a copy of the spelling lists in their school book bag.

Children who are having phonics teaching will get spellings from their phonic phase.

We will also cover the spellings from the Statutory Year 3/ 4 list.




Every week Year 3 children will be given homework on Friday (due in the following Tuesday):

  • be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
  • Play 5 sound check games on TT Rockstars and 5 Spelling Shed games.
  • Learn their times tables - the children will be told which timetable to learn.
  • Learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week) this is given out on Monday and the test is the Monday after.


Black Book Homework.

This will be given out every 2-3 weeks. The dates are below.


Year 3 SummerBlack Book Homework 2024

Please write in pencil only in your book and colour in using coloured pencils or felt tips.


Due Back

Year 3 Summer Term

Homework 2024 Tasks

26.04.24 10.05.24 Research Roman mosaics and draw a mosaic picture.
17.05.24 24.05.24 Write about an area of the  Romans  - Roman food, army
24.05.24 04.06.24

Write about a religious celebration e.g.- Eid, Christmas, Easter, Chanukah

19.06.24 28.06.24

Make an information poster on Antarctica.

03.07.24 15.07.24 Write about your memories of Year 3 and what you are looking forward to in Year 4.


Oxford Owls


Also Oxford Owls is a resource where children can find books to read.

Your child will have been given a user name and a password.




It is important that the children remain hydrated and there are areas in all classrooms for children to keep a labelled water bottle from home. Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle into school. 


PE Lessons

All children will be taking part in PE lessons.

For the first half of the summer term, all classes will have PE on a TUESDAY.


For the second half of the summer term:

3D’s day for P.E is every Monday

3W's day for P.E is every Tuesday

3P’s day for P.E is every Thursday

Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school, which includes a change of footwear suitable for playing games. 

If your child wears earrings, these need to be removed for PE or covered up with tape – your child must be able to do this themselves.  Long hair should be tied back.


Nut Allergies

There are a number of children in school with nut allergies. If you send your child to school with a pack lunch, Please DO NOT send any biscuits and chocolate bars containing nuts, or nut-based spreads in sandwiches.