Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Curriculum Rationale

At Stainclife CofE Junior School, we intend to teach the knowledge, skills and attitudes that prepare children for their next stage of education. Our aim is to continue to develop life-long learners who have established the underlying skills that will enable them to succeed.

In devising our curriculum we have sought the views of our pupils, parents and staff to ensure we have a curriculum based on a shared vision that matches the unique nature of our school and meets the needs of our diverse community.

Our curriculum is designed with an emphasis on fostering resilience and independence. Children will progress their academic, personal, social and cultural abilities to ensure they become skilled readers, writers, mathematicians, scientist, athletes and artists, as well as confident speakers, listeners, thinkers, problem-solvers, reasoners and evaluators. 

Using engaging ‘big questions’ as the vehicle for our subject-based curriculum, we aim to develop the knowledge and skills of our children to ensure we are able to show our pupils what it is truly like to be a ‘Geographer’, ‘Historian’, ‘Artist’, ‘Designer’ ‘Technician’, ‘Performer’ or ‘Person of Faith’. By creating a spiralled curriculum that continually builds on prior knowledge, we are able to promote and encourage resilience and make sure learning sticks through making connections, extending learning and exploring topics fully.

Each half term will have a foundation subject as its main focus – therefore children can ‘dig deep’ into a subject and teachers can plan a purposeful learning journey that has a clear and sequenced progression of knowledge and skill. Across the year, children will experience this depth of learning across our foundation subjects and subjects such as English, Maths, PE, Science Computing, RE and PSHE/RSE will be taught as continuous units alongside. Subject leaders have chosen the focus of study based on the age and development stage of the children; the cultural capital of our community and to bridge any gaps in the wider experiences of our children.

Ultimately, as a Church of England school, our vision, Christian and British Values are weaved through all that we do so that we foster the behaviours and attitudes our children need in order to become good citizens who will make a positive contribution to society. We continually promote and embed our values of Trust, Respect, Courage and Joy so that our children display their inner strength and courage in order to be prosperous and successful.


School Long Term overviews:

Year 3 2023-24

Year 4 2023-24

Year 5 2023-24

Year 6 2023-24

Individual Curriculum Plans

If you would like to find out more details about our Staincliffe Curriculum, please click on the subject links below:

Maths Literacy Science PE RE
Maths Literacy science PE RE


Computing ART Geography MFL
Computing Art


History Music DT PSHE

Click on the links below to learn more about the Curriculum in each year group:

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Year 6