Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Health and Sport

'At Staincliffe CE(C) Junior School faith, equality and honesty will be valued and

a healthy lifestyle promoted.'

 This year at Staincliffe CE Junior School we are aiming to involve our children in as many sport and health related activities as possible! This includes going to more competitions, running more exciting lunchtime and after school clubs, having more specialists come into school in addition to encouraging a healthy lifestyle through having a health week to kick start our year, introducing a Change for Life Champions club and selling fruit every week.

We are delighted to announce that Staincliffe CE has won the Silver School games award for 2018/19! This is through the hard work of our staff and pupils throughout the year at inter and intra school competitions as well as the many clubs that are run. Well done! 

Find out more about our competitions on our School Games page.

Staincliffe Superstars  Sports competition!

Every term we have a different event for the children to take part in. They all get to develop skills in the sport and then compete. All the scores collated and we then have class winners of these events. 

At the end of the year, there is an overall winner of the Staincliffe Superstars! 

I wonder who will win this year? 

Look out for termly updates on this page! 


School swimming has not been possible due to the pandemic from March 2020 - July 2021. From September 2021 our Year 5 pupils will attend swimming lessons at Batley baths.


Statistics for Year 6   2019/2020

Our current year 6 pupils attended Dewsbury swimming pool whilst they were in Year 4 (2015/2016). Kirklees Swimming Service managed the delivery of the lessons.

Meeting National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

  • 20% of Year 4 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters.
  • 1% could use a range of strokes effectively by the end of year 4.
  • No pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations when they left primary school.  (what percentage of year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water conditions)
  • We have not used the sports premium grant for any extra swimming provision.

Daily Mile

We are trying to help our children get fit.  A healthy body = a healthy mind. A child who is ready to learn, alert and confident. 

We have a track around school and the children are encouraged to run a mile, a half marathon and a full marathon!

How far has your child managed to run? 


Last year we took part in more competitions than ever before, even coming first in the girls cricket competition and receiving a Silver School Games award!


This year we hope to take part in even more and have just as much fun!


So far this year we have competed in a Cross Country competition and Year 6 Football competition. Check out more photos from these events in our school gallery!

Mental Health

We are currently working with staff from Northorpe Hall to help any pupils with mental health issues either themselves, or if a family member has mental health issues. We are still in the early stages of developing support packages and making referrals for families.

If you need some help , or someone to talk to about mental health issues, please speak to one of our SLT members or you can contact your GP, the school nurse or Northorpe Hall personally on 01924 492183

Health Week

 We have had another very successful week with many exciting activities and competitions running!

In order to encourage a healthy lifestyles, each class in school is currently aiming to be the healthiest eaters. Children are given stickers on a lunch time if their lunch is full of healthy choices. The class with the most stickers wins 10 minutes extra break time as a reward. 

Congratulations to all the children who have taken part in the inter school competitions this year.