Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

 School Finance  


The school budget runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. Kirklees advise us of our budget allocation in February and at that point we look at what we will spend the money on.


The Senior Leadership Team and Governors are involved in making decisions about how the funding is spent, they look at the costs involved in delivering the School Development / Improvement Plan, the requirements of maintaining the premises and paying the staffing costs.  


The School Business Manager manages and monitors the spending carefully throughout the year to ensure that the budget is used appropriately and not over spent.  Governors are given an update every term.


 Our biggest costs are:

  • Staffing – including Teachers, TAs, Office staff and Lunchtime Supervisors.
  • Premises costs - which includes repairs, maintenance, grounds maintenance and our rates, water, gas and electric supply
  • Supplies and Services - which includes learning resources, IT resources, staff training, extended school expenses and external professional services. 


As part of the budget we have an allocated amount of £1480 per pupil who are eligible for free school meals or have been in the previous 6 years. We have to report online every year what this is used for. You will find details on the Pupil Premium page on the website.    


Click for Schools Financial Benchmarking information.