Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy




At Staincliffe CofE Junior School, Geography is taught in a way that is fully inclusive, encourages children to have the courage to ask questions about the world and to trust that we all have an equally important place in it. As they learn about the different aspects of physical and human Geography, they will be filled with a new respect for the diverse world they live in and all the people in it. We aim to instil a love of Geography into each child and through this, help them to view the world with a sense of wonder and joy.



To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in geography, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Geography is taught three times a year, focusing on skills and knowledge stated in the National Curriculum and in areas specific to the need of our children. Our skills-focussed Geography curriculum is delivered through a sequence of engaging ‘big questions’ as the hook that starts each learning journey. Alongside classroom based learning, a variety of opportunities for outdoor learning through fieldwork and trips enhance our children’s independent learning skills through real-life experiences.

Our curriculum provides:

  • The skills to locate cities, counties and countries using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping
  • An understanding of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. And also, physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
  • A developing knowledge of how fieldwork can be used to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including visiting experts.

To track the progress of our geographers, we:

  • Create Knowledge Organisers which outline knowledge including vocabulary. All children must master and apply in lessons.
  • A low stakes quiz regularly to support learner’s ability to retain learning and increase space in the working memory.
  • ‘Challenge Questions’ for pupils to apply learning in a philosophical / open manner.
  • Capture ‘Pupil Voice’ at regular intervals.


By the time they leave us, as geographers, our children will have:

  • thoroughly enjoyed learning about and developing a curiosity for geography
  • an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like
  • an excellent understanding of the ways in which places are interdependent and interconnected and how much human and physical environments are interrelated
  • an extensive base of geographical knowledge, vocabulary and frequently utilised fieldwork.
  • fluency in complex, geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills and use effective analytical and presentational techniques
  • significant levels of originality, imagination or creativity as shown in interpretations and representations of the subject matter.
  • the ability to express well-balanced opinions and conclusions, rooted in very good knowledge and understanding about current and contemporary issues in society and the environment.


Our Geography curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with our curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress and support is put in place for those working towards the geography curriculum objectives.


Please click here for our Geography 'Progression of Knowledge and Skills' document.