Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Year 4

Teachers - Miss Thomas (4T), Mrs Ward (4W) and Miss Ritchie (4R).

Teaching Assistants - Miss Jubb, Mrs Zaman, Mrs Mayet and Mrs Lowe.


Below is the SUMMER TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the summer term in Year 4. 

For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2023-2024

PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SUMMER TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)

PARENTS' OVERVIEW - SPRING TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)


PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM 2023/24 (downloadable doc)






In Year 4, we follow a progressive approach ensuring the children get experience of mathematical concepts in blocks of a week or two weeks. They then revisit these concepts over the year to ensure they have mastered previous knowledge and understanding that has been taught.  We encourage the children to be independent learners in maths and they utilise their Maths Toolkit to support their learning when required.

During the Summer term the children will learn about: mental/written multiplication and division including multi-step problems, 2D shapes including angles and coordinates, measures, fractions, place value, data handling with measurements and statistics.


Times Table Rock Stars

This term, your child will take their multiplication check. This is a timed test similar to TT Rockstars so we highly encourage the children to practice their times tables and challenge themselves on TT Rockstars as often as possible.




In Literacy, over the Summer Term, Year 4 will be looking at a variety of texts.
In the first half term, the children will be looking at Performance Poetry, where they will look at different types of poetry then write and perform their own piece to the class. Following this, the children will then learn about explanation and persuasion texts and will have the opportunity to write some of these themselves about various topics, such as the ‘Snoozatron’.

In the second half of the term, the children will write their own letters of complaint with a focus on formal language, they will read and write about The Tinderbox by Hans Christian Andersen including character description, speech, a diary entry and comparisons.





Physical Education


During Summer term 1, Year 4 children will be developing their physical skills in their PE lessons.

This will include:

Unit 5: Physical.
Children will develop and apply their reaction and response and floor work balance through focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and group Personal Best challenges.

Unit 6: Health and Fitness.

Children will develop and apply their ball chasing and stance through focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and group Personal Best challenges.


PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday





Our first year 4 topic in science during the first half of the Summer term will be Sound, where children will look to discover how we can make different sounds. In this unit, the children will learn to identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating; recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear; find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it; find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it; and finally, recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.


In the second unit, we will be studying Electricity to discover what we can do with this energy source! In this unit, the children will learn to identify common appliances that run on electricity; construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. They will also look deeper into understanding how circuits work.




Year 4 will be listening to Blackbird by The Beatles – a song about civil rights. Children will listen and appraise, play progressive warm up games and perform their compositions. We can’t wait to hear what they come up with!



Modern Foreign Language (French)


In French this term the children will be learning about French food, cafés, ordering and menus -‘Yum Yum’- or ‘Miam, Miam’! This unit introduces food vocabulary and revises numbers to 100, this time in the context of money and prices. The unit encourages children to develop their language detective skills and confidence with practical conversational French.




In the first term the children will be learning about making music and coding. The making music unit will encourage children to discuss and experiment with the main elements of a piece of music and allows them to compose themselves. The children will be composing music by understanding the rhythm, tempo, melody and the pitch and how it affects the music experience of the listener. The coding unit will start by looking at existing code, asking the children to ‘read’ it and make Predictions to what they think will happen when the code is run. You’ll then Run the code and give them time to discuss what happens and relate it back to their predictions. You’ll spend time with them investigating the code, looking at how different parts work and helping them to understand how. Once children have an understanding of how the code works, they will be encouraged to modify it - changing and adding code and re-running the program to view the impact of their changes. And once confident with this, they are encouraged to try and Make their own program from scratch.

In the second half of the term children will be looking at a unit about hardware investigation, where they will learn the names and functions of the different hardware and parts that make up a computer/ laptop or device.


Personal Social 
Health Economic Education


In the first half term, our topic will be ‘Relationships’. We will be looking at how we can maintain positive relationships with our family, friends and others. The children will be identifying ways in which they can identify jealousy and express and give reasons why someone is special to them. They will also learn about how to deal with bereavement and how to deal with a loss of a family member. They will also learn about how relationships and friendships change as they get older and different people come in to their lives.

In the second half term, our topic will be ‘Changing Me.’ This topic will enable children to understand that their characteristics come from their birth parents. This topic will also be looking at how their bodies go through changes as they get older. Also another important topic which will be looked at is how social media affects their own self-image.




Religious Education


Over the summer term, in year 4, the children will be exploring the big question:

Why are Gurus at the Heart of Sikh Beliefs?


The children will be examining Sikh beliefs and practices, including the belief in Guru Nanak and his importance in the Sikh religion. They will learn about his life and disappearance. They will also study the ‘Mool Mantar’ and look at the significance of ‘The Golden Temple’.

Art and Design


The art and design topic for summer is sculpture. In this topic, children’s work will be influenced by a range of inspirational sculptors as they explore and use unusual objects to create their own 3D works of art. As well as having the opportunity to create drums and maracas from recycled materials, pupils also look at different techniques to create different effects.





Design Technology


During the Summer term, children will be making book sleeves!

The children will make a book sleeve. They will continue to learn different stiches in sewing from last year. Their sewing skills will be developed as they design and make a fabric cover for a book with a fastener on. The children will be encouraged to decorate it with applique designs based on the content of the book. 




In this unit the children will be trying to answer our big question:

Where does our food come from?


Throughout this unit children will learn to identify that different foods grow in different biomes, explain which food has the most significant negative impact on the environment, consider changes people can make to reduce the negative impacts of food production and many other learning outcomes.





Our History topic for the term will involve us learning about the Local History.

Children will be learning about primary and secondary sources of evidence. The children will be learning about the Monarchs that have ruled England and place them on a timeline. From the timeline, they will be learning about the significant events that happened in Batley around the time of certain key monarchs.




We follow the spelling patterns from Spelling Shed.

The children can then use the website to practice their weekly spellings choosing the level of support they need. Each child in Year 3 has a copy of the spelling lists in their school book bag.

Children who are having phonics teaching will get spellings from their phonic phase.

We will also cover the spellings from the Statutory Year 3/ 4 list




Every week Year 4 children will:

  • be given a maths activity, either linked to their learning that week or revisiting a previously taught skill
  • be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
  • play on TTRockstars and Spelling Shed
  • learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)


Each term Year 4 children will:

  • be set their black book homework tasks. They need to be as creative as possible so it could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc. It is hoped an adult at home will work collaboratively with the child and help them with their learning and presentation. When this happens the work is often simply stunning.


Black book homework

Choose at least 3 activities from the list below to complete over the Summer term and during the half term holidays (due in on Monday 8th July.) You are going to share all your homework with your class mates and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations (printed out), 3D models, posters, photographs etc. You will have to explain to the class what you have done.

Homework for research to be completed in Black Books:


Date to be completed

We have been learning how to persuade someone in Literacy. Linking this to your DT work, can you write a persuasive piece (this could be a letter, leaflet, poster etc.) to persuade someone to buy your book sleeve.

Mon 8th July

In Geography we’re looking at where our food comes from. Choose your favourite foods and find out where they come from; are they good for the environment and their journey to our country and any other great facts/recipes about them.

Mon 8th July

We’re going to be looking at Electricity! Make a poster or informative leaflet about the dangers of electricity.

Mon 8th July

Our History topic this term has been local history, learning about different monarchs. Pick one of the British Kings or Queens and share what you have learnt about them. (Not King Charles III).

Mon 8th July

The summer holidays are coming up at the end of the term! Write about your ‘best bits’ of year 4 to share with year 3 before they start year 4. This can be presented however you like!

Mon 8th July