Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy

Year 6

Teachers - Miss Thomas (6T), Mrs Ward (6W), Mr Jones (6J)

HLTA - Mrs Johnson

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Ali, Mrs Sadiq and Miss Bibi

Below is the AUTUMN TERM overview - this covers everything that your child will be working on throughout the summer term in Year 6. 

For the full year overview of all subjects covered across this year group, please click on the Long Term Plan link below:

Year 6 Long Term Plan 2024 - 2025

PARENTS' OVERVIEW - AUTUMN TERM  2024/25 (downloadable doc)




In Year 6 we follow a progressive approach where the children get experience of mathematical concepts in blocks of a week or two weeks. They then revisit these concepts over the year to ensure they have mastered the knowledge and understanding.  We encourage the children to be independent learners in maths and they utilise their Maths Toolkit to support their learning when required.

Over the course of the Autumn term, the children will learn about: Place Value and Rounding, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Angles and Circles, Multiples, factors & Prime Numbers & measures, Units of Measures, Comparing, Ordering, Simplifying Fractions, Multiplying Decimals 10, 100, 1000, Written methods of multiplication and division, Calculating Fractions, Interpret Data and Line Graphs as well as 2D and 3D Shapes. The children will also be taking the first set of assessment and practice tests.




In Literacy, the Children will be looking at the novel ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. They will write a version of the story from the point of view of Putzi the cat.  After looking at Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’, the children will write a newspaper report about the brutal murder of King Duncan as well as witches spell! 

Later in the term, we will be reading a non-fiction text called One Boy’s War which charts the real life experience of a young soldier in the First World War. To finish off the term we will also be letter writing, answering reading comprehensions and producing an account of what life was like for a soldier during the Great War.



Physical Education


In Autumn Term 2, the pupils will be practicing their social skills in PE. They will learn to cooperate with others giving feedback to improve their own and other pupil’s performance. The children will also help organise roles and responsibilities, guiding a small group through a task.

In Autumn Term 1, the children will be developing their personal skills. In this unit they will focus on improving their ability to improve through perseverance and regular practice, as well as building on their coordination and agility skills.

In Year 6 this year, children will also be working with coaches from Ultimate Sport, where they will apply their knowledge and skills to a variety of sports and will also focus on developing their tactical knowledge ready for sports competitions throughout the year.

Year 6 PE days are:   6W and 6J – Tuesday
                                    6T – Thursday



In the Autumn term, the children will be looking at Animals including humans. They will look at the main parts of the human circulatory system. The children will look at the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle. We will also consider how water and nutrients are transported within the body.   

In the second term of the term, the pupils will look at Living Things and Their Habitat. They will investigate how living things can be classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences. They will consider micro-organisms, plants and animals. The children will use their scientific vocabulary to give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.



Foreign Languages 


In French this term the children will learn how to describe a house, the different rooms and who lives there. They learn about prepositions to explain where items are arranged in their bedrooms and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary they have learned by writing a letter to describe their family, home and bedroom.  They will also be looking at a football themed unit where pupils develop and practise many important learning strategies that they can use in their future learning of other languages and subjects. Children develop their reading, speaking and listening skills, responding to questions about footballers, building to writing their own football player profiles in French based on research of a chosen player.




In the Autumn term, the children will look at Coding which will be structured around the PRIMM approach (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, and Make). The children will have plenty of opportunity to be creative in this unit. We will also look at Online Safety in this half term, where children will understand the impact of their actions online and learn ways to keep themselves and others safe online. We will then move on to look at Blogging, applying all their learning about how to be safe on the Internet.




Over the course of the year, Year 6 will be covering a unit of music from Charanga. All the learning is focused around one song: Happy by Pharrell Williams - a Pop song with a Soul influence about being happy. What makes you happy?

Children will also be working with Kirklees music school to learn and hone their musical skills by performing with a Ukulele.



Personal Social
Health Economic Education


In Autumn Term 1 our topic will be ‘Being me in my world’. We will look at how individual choices can have an impact on people in the immediate community and globally and explain how this can influences the choices they make.

In the second half term our PSHE topic will be ‘Celebrating Difference’. In this piece we will look at ways in which difference can be a source of conflict or a cause for celebration.

We will also be looking at a new topic, where the children will learn all about their brains and how they work, in our new mindset and well-being focused lessons called ‘My Happy Mind.’



Religious Education


Over the Autumn term the children will be exploring the question:

How and why are Jewish festivals celebrated today?

Children will understand what it is like to be Jewish, explore Jewish peoples’ beliefs about God; about how ideas of God are expressed in stories, celebration, ritual and action; about the great festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Purim and Hanukah, illustrating how Jewish communities learn and celebrate together. 


Art and Design


In Art, we have been using Kapow to learn about different famous artists in painting and mixed media. In this collection of lessons children will be exploring meanings behind paintings, and developing personal interpretations and abstract art pieces based on selected artists. Once they have studied the artists and their artwork, they will then produce a final piece of work, selecting appropriate tools and materials to create an intended effect and experiment and revisit ideas, drawing on creative experiences.



Design Technology


In Design Technology, Year 6 children will be learning to use microbits, which will incorporate some computing skills into their DT lessons. They will write a program that displays an arrow to indicate compass directions with an ‘On start’ loading screen, identify errors (bugs) in the code and suggest ways to fix (debug) them. As always in DT, the children will self and peer evaluate a product concept against a list of design criteria with basic statements to ensure their product is successful.




In History this half term, the children are studying our new History unit: WWII. They will identify the causes of World War 2 and the different phases in the Battle of Britain. They will also develop their empathy skills by describing how children may have felt when evacuated during the war. During this unit they will also build on their historical skills, such as identifying the accuracy and reliability of historical sources and evidence.




In Geography, children will be carrying out an independent fieldwork activity. In this unit, pupils will give examples of issues in the local area, identify questions to be asked to find the relevant data and analyse the fieldwork data that they collect. For those children attending Cliffe House, this will also link with their activities on residential, such as locating points on an OS map and identifying areas along a route.



Every week Year 6 children will:

  • be given a maths activity, either linked to their learning that week or revisiting a previously taught skill
  • be expected to read their reading book and get their reading record signed x3 weekly
  • play on TTRockstars and Spelling Shed
  • learn their weekly spellings (each week has a different list focus that the children have been practising in school that week)

Each term Year 6 children will:

  • be set their black book homework tasks. They need to choose AT LEAST 3 activities to complete which will be shared with their class and teacher. It could include art work, writing, computer presentations, 3D models, posters etc.





Year 6 Autumn Term 2024

 Homework Tasks


Think about the story Clockwork. Imagine you are Karl – you must design your own clockwork figure to go in the clock tower of Glockenheim. Be sure to annotate your figure to explain what it does/how it moves and works.

You could make it if you are feeling creative!


Thinking about our PSHE topic ‘Celebrating Differences’ draw an image of yourself and annotate what makes you so special and unique. Think about your physical appearance as well as your personality… remember you are GREAT!


You have been learning all about the human body and the role of key organs like the lungs and heart. Show me what you know… this could include sketches of the body with labelled paragraphs/ 3D models or simply an informative piece of writing.


Research an aspect of WWII and create a pop up diagram related to it. Think back to the pop ups you did in Y5- slider, box fold, mouth fold, lever, spring.


Write a WWI poem from the point of view of a WWI soldier (first person). It does not have to rhyme if you do not want it to. Remember to use verses and capitalisation.


Research volcanoes and produce a fact file that includes labelled diagrams.

Could you make a model volcano… maybe even do an eruption at home (with adult supervision) and take a photo!


Produce a piece of work relating to the story of Macbeth e.g. a storyboard, book review, Witches spell etc. How could you present the piece of writing?


Design your own French house. Can you label the different rooms or items within it? You could make a 3D model house using a shoebox and attach labels.


In Art we have looked at lots of different artists, can you choose a famous artist of your own to write a fact file about and then produce a piece of artwork of a similar style?


Create a storyboard for the Christianity Christmas Story.