Staincliffe CE Junior School

Respect, Trust, Courage and Joy


Remote Learning


       Remote Learning            Remote Learning            Remote Learning 

                Policy                                 Plan                           Expectations



Self Isolation / Quarantine - Remote Learning


Guidance following the removal of legislation to self-isolate: If a child or young person aged 18 or under tests positive for COVID-19, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days. This starts from the day after they did the test.

Children and young people tend to be infectious to others for less time than adults. If they’re well and do not have a temperature after 3 days, there’s a much lower risk that they’ll pass on COVID-19 to others.


If your child has tested positive and is self-isolating, please contact school (either via the office or using the year group emails below) who will provide the work for Remote Learning.



REMOTE EDUCATION - Information for Parents & Carers (January 2021)


UPDATED: Home - School Agreement: January 2021


Children should follow the lessons and activities set in their shared blog on Purple Mash (click the icon below to access the Purple Mash website).

Instructions for accessing the zoom 'check ins' is below.

A video from Mr Daji on how to upload completed work for class teachers to mark and give feedback is at the bottom of this page.


Please email the class teacher for any help in supporting your child using the following addresses:

Year 3 -

Year 4 -

Year 5 -

Year 6 -


Help & Guidance

We know this is a challenging time for parents, carers and children. Remote education has brought new demands for you and changed how you engage with schools. Many parents and carers are balancing various responsibilities while supporting your children with education at home.

Schools and colleges are here to support you and your children during this latest lockdown:


Supporting your children's remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19): Information and support for parents and carers of children who are learning at home (updated 15 February 2021)


Whilst there are huge benefits to being online in order to stay connected to family and friends during this period, the government recognises many parents may feel concerned about the activities and content their children are accessing.

The following guidance outlines resources to help keep children safe from different risks online and where to go to receive support and advice.                                                                                                                         


Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for parents and carers to keep children safe online (updated 22 February 2021)



Zoom video link instructions

Self Isolation & Home Learning



If your child has been sent home to self-isolate (or you are in quarantine after a holiday abroad), your child must still complete school work. They must log on daily to purple mash to access the work set by the class teacher.

For bubbles that have been told to self-isolate, a staff member will be available to comment on / give help to your child through purple mash throughout the school day.

Having missed a significant amount of schooling since March, it is extremely important that the children complete the work set and correspond with the class teacher on a daily basis.

The teachers will contact your child on a regular basis to ensure they are completing their work.  

To access the Remote Learning package, a laptop and/or tablet along with internet access is needed. Please contact or 01924 326756 if you need help with this. 

We will keep in regular contact with your child during any bubble closure and upload daily tasks for your child to complete. Please do not hesitate to contact school for any help, support and guidance whilst your child is learning remotely.


Please email the class teacher for any help in supporting your child, or to upload their work, using the following addresses:

Year 3 -

Year 4 -

Year 5 -

Year 6 -



All pupils have their own log on to purple mash. If your child does not know theirs please email the teacher on the above email address


Help for Parents

There are some helpful guides and videos to support your child gaining access to Purple Mash and how your child can upload their amazing work to send to the teacher. 

  • If your child wants to email their teacher on Purple Mash  - written guidance is here  or there is a a video attached below. 

  • If your child has been set a 2DO - written guidance is here


When your child has finished their work and needs  to share it with the teacher, they will need to upload it - there is written guidance of how to do this here or there is a video here  


Instructions on how to upload completed work